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(Discord) Chat Rules

[1.] Be respectful toward everyone.

- Participating / starting unnecessary hateful comments toward anyone is not allowed. Any rude, discriminating, sexual, derogatory, racist and crude behaviour toward anyone will result in a permanent ban.
- Respect boundaries.

[2.] Behave appropriately.

- Slight swearing is allowed as long as it's not directed toward anyone. Use English in chats that are public.
- Spamming messages, commands or characters should be avoided, and drama should be kept away at all times.
- Starting drama, trolling, baiting / trapping is prohibited.
- Avoid controversial topics such as politics.

[3.] Listen to staff and others.

- Staff have final say on rule enforcement.
- Impersonating staff or other players is forbidden.

[4.] Report bugs and exploits.

- Kindly report bugs / exploits / rule breakers in our Discord server's 'Support tickets'.
- Abusing exploits will result in a permanent ban.

[5.] No promoting and advertising of other servers.

- Hypixel is excluded
- IP sharing is not allowed. Privately messaging someone an IP is prohibited. Same goes for Discord servers.
- Advertising your / someone's Youtube, Twitch or other social media platform is not tolerated.


In-Game Rules

[1.] Claim and build rules

- Griefing from others, breaking or placing down blocks in another’s claim without permission, theft, player trapping or building inappropriate builds is not allowed!
- Avoid building too closely to someone else’s claim/build.
- Huge redstone powered farms need to have an ON / OFF switch.
- No lag / TPS drop causing redstone builds or farms.

[2.] Chat rules

- Any rude, discriminating, sexual, derogatory, racist and crude behaviour toward anyone will result in a permanent ban. This includes using swear words directly toward a player!
- Spamming messages, using excessive CAPS, characters or commands should be avoided. Use English in chats that are public.
- Starting drama, trolling, baiting/trapping is prohibited.
- Avoid controversial topics such as politics.
- No advertising. This includes IPs and server names, discord links etc.
- Respect boundaries.

[3.] Hacked clients and mod rules

- Prohibited modifications: Any “hacked” clients / mods that modify server-bound packets in any way. (These include kill-aura, auto clicker and anything that alters the vanilla minecraft user experience for other players)
- Allowed modifications: All client-side modifications that do not modify server-bound packets. (Such as Optifine, full brightness, Mini maps etc…)

[4.] Bugs and exploit rules

- Taking advantage of bugs / exploits is prohibited!
- Not reporting known / unknown bugs, issues, exploits and exploiters can result in a punishment depending on the severity