How to set up a shop
- Put down a block on which your shop will go on top of
- This acts as a "pedestal"
- /pshop create - This will create a shop on top of the block you're looking at!
- Naming your shop
- Name it accordingly to the item you're selling to avoid confusion.
- Click on the glass block that appeared on top of the block you placed down.
- Select Manage to set up
- Prices
- Rotate the shop
- Add stock (only of the same items)
- Remove the shop
- Add money into the register (so people can sell items to you (this is optional!!))
- Rename your shop
- Set a withdraw limit
- /pshop withdrawall - To get all your money back from sold items
- /pshop manage - To open the GUI to manage your shop
For Bedrock users
- /pshop setbuy <price> <shop name> - To set a buy price
- /pshop setsell <price> <shop name> - To set a sell price
Please note, that IF your shop gets deleted by force by the server admins, do /lostitems to retrieve your items from your shop. Everything that has not been sold will be there!