Ranks info
- /ranks - To get a list of commands for each Vote Rank
- /store - To get the link to our webstore
- Staff applications
- The application opens whenever we're short in staff
- Every applicant will receive a message whether or not they were accepted!
- Check More -> Staff application, and read the information regarding it.
Vote ranks
You rank up by voting! You have a chance at getting claim blocks, money and other rewards when voting.
- [Guest] 0 votes
- /map
- /discord
- /ranks
- /website
- /wiki
- /rules
- /tpa
- /tpaccept
- /tpahere
- /msg
- /pay
- /help
- /pwarp <argument>
- /warp
- /spawn
- /banknote <amount>
- /kit starter
- /kit claim
- /rewards
- /trade
- /sidebar
- /g help
- /sethome
- /delhome
- 1x ah slot
- 1x sethome
- 1x player warp
- 5x player shops
- [Gardener] 9 votes
- /pshop create
- /ignore
- 2x sethome
- 6x player shops
- + 200 claim blocks
- [Apprentice] 20 votes
- /craft
- 2x ah slot
- 2x player warps
- 3x sethome
- 7x player shops
- + 2000 claim blocks
- [Florist] 75 votes
- /echest
- 4x sethome
- 8x player shops
- + 4000 claim blocks
- [Bloomer] 120 votes
- /chatcolor cyan
- /chatcolor red
- /editsign
- 3x ah slot
- 3x player warps
- 5x sethome
- 9x player shops
- + 6000 claim blocks
- [Petal] 200 votes
- /pweather
- /ptime
- /recipe
- 6x sethome
- 10x player shops
- + 6000 claim blocks
- [Botanical] 300 votes
- /back
- /trash
- /cartographytable
- 4x ah slot
- 4x player warps
- 7x sethome
- 11x player shops
- + 8000 claim blocks
- [Master] 420 votes
- /nick normal
- /rest
- /smelt
- 8x sethome
- 12x player shops
- + 10 000 claim blocks
- [Veteran] 550 votes
- /loom
- /stonecutter
- /enchantstation
- /seen
- 5x ah slot
- 5x player warps
- 9x sethome
- 13x player shops
- + 14 000 claim blocks
- [Celestial] 700 votes
- /anvil
- /kittycannon
- /beecannon
- /top
- 10x sethome
- 14x player shops
- + 20 000 claim blocks
- [Ancient] 1000 votes
- /setclaimflag
- /unsetclaimflag
- /claimfly (claim flag)
- /heal
- /speed
- /repair
- /tptoggle
- Custom Prefix (contact staff on Discord)
- 6x ah slot
- 6x player warps
- 11x sethome
- 15x player shops
- + 50 000 claim blocks
- [Legend] 1500 votes
- /nick basic (nick with basic colors)
- /ext
- /setclaimflag
- /unsetclaimflag
- 12x sethome
- 16x player shops
- + 60 000 claim blocks
- [Mythic] 2000 votes
- /nick rgb
- /fly
- 7x ah slots
- 13x sethome
- 17x player shops
- 7x player warps
- + 80 000 claim blocks
- [Stellar] 3000 votes
- /magicanvil
- /setclaimflag
- /unsetclaimflag
- 14x sethome
- 18x player shops
- + 100 000 claim blocks
VIP ranks
These are ranks that you buy from our webstore. The VIP ranks have permissions and perks that are meant to ease your way of playing on the server. By purchasing a rank you're also supporting the server and helping us improve the gameplay!
+ Pets, toggleable prefixes and other cosmetics coming soon! +
- [VIP1]
- /nick (without colors)
- /hat
- /craft
- /echest
- /chatcolor light_green
- /chatcolor white
- /bank
- /warp lounge
- /rtp biome
- 1x vault
- 12x sethome
- 8x ah slots
- 8x player warps
- 16x player shops
- + $5000
- + 5000 claim blocks
- [VIP2]
- /nick basic (normal Minecraft color codes)
- /chatcolor light_blue
- /pp gui
- Access to 1st page of particle effects
- Access to the 2 first rows of styles
- /condense
- /pweather
- /trash
- /ah
- /rest
- /back
- /mail open
- Silk Spawner
- 2x vaults
- 18x sethome
- 16x ah slots
- 10x player warps
- 20x player shops
- + $10,000
- + 10,000 claim blocks
- [VIP3]
- /nick rgb
- /chatcolor purple
- /pp gui
- Access to the 2 first pages of particle effects
- Access to the first page of styles
- /feed
- /seen
- /ptime
- /magicanvil
- /ext
- 4x vaults
- 30x sethome
- 32x ah slots
- 30x player shops
- 12x player warps
- Claim flags
- /setflag
- /unsetflag
- InfiniteArrows
- NoLeafDecay
- NoEnterPlayer
- OwnerFly
- + $15,000
- + 15,000 claim blocks
- [VIP4]
- /chatcolor (all)
- /pp gui
- Access to all particles and styles
- /fly
- /heal
- /repair
- /cartographytable
- /grindstone
- /stonecutter
- /loom
- /smithingtable
- /kittycannon
- /beecannon
- /top
- /editsign
- /tptoggle
- 8x vaults
- 40x sethome
- 64x ah slots
- 50x player shops
- 14x player warps
- Claim flags
- /setflag
- /unsetflag
- NoMobSpawns
- NoMonsterSpawns
- EnterMessage
- ExitMessage
- HealthRegen
- + $25,000
- + 25,000 claim blocks
- [Custom rank]
- Custom prefix (you can obtain your custom prefix by creating a support ticket on our Discord!)
- You can change your prefix max 1 time per month! (By creating a support ticket on our Discord)
- Choose two abilities out of four!
- Chameleon - lets you morph into the following mobs:
- Creeper, Zombie, Fox, Rabbit, Enderman, Frog and Allay
- Rodeo - you can ride the following mobs:
- Arcane Art - Gain the ability to create any vertical shaped nether portals!
- Architect - Get ahold of an item that lets you build like no other!
Staff ranks
- Trial
- The only rank that can be applied for.
- The rank where new staff members are trained to learn the basics of chat moderation with the help of the rest of the staff team.
- The "trial" period for people who've been promoted to Trials is completely up to the new staff member in training.
- Helper
- Helpers are the server's main chat moderators. These guys keep the chats clean and help Trial staff in various situations.
- Their main job is to help everyone with questions, be an additional help in answering tickets as well as ensure player satisfaction in-game.
- (Not a role you can apply for! You can only get promoted to this role as you learn how to staff on Phlox.)
- Mod
- Moderators' main task is to support the lower staff ranks when it comes to chat moderation. In a moderator's tasks include answering tickets the best they can, inform Sr mods and Admins about various situations such as bugs, helping lower staff with how to deal with tickets and in-game moderation and a lot more!
- A moderator will also have the chance of moderating our Survival server as well as our upcoming Skyblock server at the same time.
- (Not a role you can apply for! You can only get promoted to this role as you learn how to staff on Phlox.)
- SrMod
- This is the highest rank a staff member can get promoted to. Senior moderators ensure all staff members are doing what they're assigned to and provide extra support to the admins in multiple tasks.
- Sr mods also have more complex permissions and therefore are trusted with a lot of initiative tasks.
- (Not a role you can apply for! You can only get promoted to this role as you learn how to staff on Phlox.)
Builder ranks
- JrBuilders
- Newly promoted Builders.
- Jr Builders are an important part of the Phlox Build Team as they help Builders, SrBuilders (SB) and the Head Builder (HB) with creating architectural content for the server.
- They create the builds they're asked to do by SB (the best they can).
- Their general supervisors are SrBuilders.
- Builders
- Main builders of the Build Team.
- Builders can choose whatever they want to build out of the Builders' To-Do list when a project is relevant, and help SB and HB with planning what all needs to be built.
- Their general supervisors are SB and HB.
- SrBuilders
- Main builders of the Build Team, general supervisors for JrB and Builders and additional support to Head Builders.
- SrBuilders help HB create the project plans, and assign tasks to JrBuilders in a project.
- SB assure deadlines are met, and help Head Builders with accepting/denying build applications.
- Head Builders
- Admins of the server/Build Team. Generally there are no open positions for this role, as the Head Builders are admins of the server.
- HB plan projects, are the eyes of the team, assign tasks, help with permissions and teaches everyone in the Build Team how WorldEdit/Voxel Sniper is used. They also create all the needed NPCs, holograms and plan everything from the beginning to the end of the project.
- As admins, they can promote and demote members to/from the Build Team.