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Claiming land

  • Take a golden shovel
  • Figure out the area that you want to claim (needs to be box shaped)
  • Click on the ground with the golden shovel on where you want a corner of your claim to be
  • Run to the other side of where you want your claim to be
    • (Keep the shovel in your hand at all times when claiming! Your progress will otherwise get removed)
  • Click on the ground with the shovel for the opposite corner


Trusting people to your claims

  • Only trust people to your claim(s) you actually trust!
  • /trust (name) - this grants the trusted user to place blocks, destroy, use chests and other containers.
  • /accesstrust (name) - grants the user to use buttons, levers and beds in your claim.
  • /containertrust (name) - grants the user to your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear (looms, anvils etc), containers and animals in your claim.
  • /untrust (name) - revokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim
  • For more commands and info, see this link


  • Your claim will get removed if you are inactive and offline for longer than 2 months.