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  • Creating a guild costs $1000
  • There is a leader board for most XP in a guild
  • There is a 20 player limit to a guild
  • It is recommended to ONLY give permissions to those who you truly trust!
    • Staff is not responsible for any drama in Guilds.
  • There are advancements that the guild can do together in return for rewards such as money and XP
  • A guild can share a bank profile with the ones that have permission to use the guild bank
    • Each member with permission can deposit and withdraw money
    • Each member with permission can see the bank logs!



  • /g help  - To get a list of commands and information for each of them


  • /g create (guild name) - Create a new guild
  • /g join (guild name) - Join a guild (you need to have gotten an invite to join a guild)
  • /g setbase (name) - Set your current guild base location for your members to teleport to.
  • /g delbase (name) - Delete a guild base
  • /g tb - Teleport to your guild base.
  • /g leave - Leave your current guild. Note: your guild will be disbanded if you are the last person to leave.
  • /g invite (player name) - Invite a player to your guild.
  • /g kick (guild member) - Kick a player from the guild. Note: Only managers and the guild leader can kick players.
  • /g info - Shows your guild's stats / info.
  • /g togglechat - Toggle guild-only chat on or off. Only guild messages and server announcements will be visible.
  • /g alliance - Manage your guild's allies.



  • /g promote (guild member) - Promote your guild member to a manager
  • /g demote (player) - Demote a guild member
  • /g permission (give / remove) (member) (permission) - Manage permissions for your guild members.



  • /g friendlyfire (on / off) - Set your guild's friendly fire on or off.
  • /g setleader (member) - Set your guild member as the guild leader
  • /g publicity (public / invite-only) - Change your guild's publicity.



  • Use a golden hoe to make a claim (check 'Claiming' wiki)
  • Stand inside the claim and do /village create <name>
  • To set a base only your guild members can teleport to, do /g setbase <name>
  • To teleport to that base, do /tb <name of base>
    • Example of all:
      • /village create Test
      • /g setbase Test
      • /tb Test



  • /g spectate (member) - Spectate your guild member
  • /g vault - Opens your guild vault
  • /g rename (guild) (new name) - Rename a guild if the name is inappropriate.
  • /g banner (import / reset) - Set a banner for your guild. Type '/g banner' for more info
  • /g bank - Your guild's bank